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Wednesday, January 1, 2020


... And Hello!

My name is Teri, and I'm glad you dropped in to my "Natural Healing" blog.  That was the name I originally wanted to give this blog.  It was taken.  But that's ok, because it only forced me to dig deeper into my imagination to come up with an even better name:  "Original Healing".  I say even better because I honestly believe that God has given us everything we need right here on this earth (nature) to heal our bodies, and from the creation of this world nature has been the great and original healer.
Over the centuries I believe that mankind has lost its way (in more ways than one!)  But on this blog I'm referring specifically to having lost its way in the area of what is healthy for our bodies, how to treat our bodies and how to heal them. I believe in getting back to the "original" way of healing - the way God intended; the way our bodies are created to heal.
Now, don't misunderstand (through inference or otherwise), and think that I'm the picture of health and "know all"!  I'm most definitely am not and do not!  But I am trying, and now wanting to share what I have learned and experienced.  Hence this blog.  (I've also had several friends ask me about this or that, when it comes to natural healing, so this blog will provide a place where I can keep track of all those pieces of information and have them quickly on hand to hand-out to others.)  ;)
Up until about 8 years ago I really didn't think much (or highly) about natural healing. I was a true, red-blooded American who wholly believed that modern medicine was definitely one of God's greatest gifts (via modern technology and science) to His children in this world.  However, about 8 years ago I started coming across more and more information on natural healing, and what I read made sense. It just did.  Things like: antibiotics kill good bacteria right along with bad bacteria.  Who knew!?  I also started seeing more on the news about vaccines, or other treatments that the modern world was convinced "worked", but then ended up not being as great as it was supposed to be (such as chemotherapy and radiation causing more cancer than it was curing), and in many instances caused more problems than it cured. I also began doing serious research and study into natural healing and eating because our son, we found out after 4 years of heavy research (not thanks to the 5 specialists that we took him to and not one of them could tell us what was wrong!), had behavioral allergies to certain foods.  That was the big push that brought me to where I am today.  
Little by little I began doing a ton of my own searching and researching, studying and learning, and digging deep into my own thoughts and spirit, as well as the Scriptures, and found out that what I really believed deep in my heart and felt from earnest prayer was that God had created our bodies, and that as such He knows our bodies better than anyone, and that He has not only given us "laws of health" in the scriptures, but also all the herbs, shrubs, plants, vegetation, and animals that we need to follow those laws and enjoy healing when needed.
Now, I do believe there is a place and time for modern medicine. I do believe there are times that herbs and natural healing cannot "do it all". And at those times it's a true blessing to have our modern medicine and technology.  But those times are more like "last resort".  Our first choice should always be the natural path.  The trick is to educate ourselves about it, one step at a time, just as our ancestors used to know about these things. That is what my past 8 years has been about; and what they continue to be about (along with the myriad of other things a wife, mother, friend, and volunteer do!) ;)
Natural living and healing, is a way of life. To be honest, I'm not ready to make the jump 100% yet.  But little by little I have made improvements, and hope to continue doing so. I just take it one step at a time.  I invite you to do the same! ;)
At the beginning I will simply share natural healing remedies.  Later I may add more pages, ideas, stories, etc. 
I hope you enjoy this page!  And as always - Comments are Welcomed! ;)

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