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Homemade Hygiene

Here are some great, simple recipes for homemade hygiene products.  You can find good and reliable sources online that explains the sometimes simple, and sometimes great, dangers of the various chemicals used today (without any federal government oversight or regulations on them) in items from toothpaste, to shampoo, to lotion. HERE is one great and very trusted sources explaining the dangerous of the most common chemical in everything from make-up to shampoo.  Worth your time to read!  Here's a nice quote from that article:

What You Put ON Your Skin Can Be More Dangerous Than What You Eat

Putting chemicals on your skin or scalp may actually be worse than eating them. When you eat something, the enzymes in your saliva and stomach help to break it down and flush it out of your body. However, when you put these chemicals on your skin, they are absorbed straight into your bloodstream without filtering of any kind, going directly to your delicate organs.
Once these chemicals find their way into your body, they tend to accumulate over time because you typically lack the necessary enzymes to break them down.
There are literally thousands of chemicals used in personal care products, and the U. S. government does not require any mandatory testing for these products before they are sold.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) estimates that one out of five cosmetics might be contaminated with a cancer-causing agent[2]. This nonprofit public-interest research group is known for making connections between chemical exposure and adverse health conditions.
The United Nations Environmental Programme estimates that approximately 70,000 chemicals are in common use across the world, with 1,000 new chemicals being introduced every year. Of all the chemicals used in cosmetics, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health reported that nearly 900 are toxic, and that estimate might be low.[3]
Many of the same poisons that pollute your environment are also lurking in the jars and bottles that line your bathroom shelves. We all risk becoming a toxic waste dump from the products we use, the foods we eat, and the environment in which we live.

And following are some inexpensive, easy-to-make, GREAT to use recipes. More will be forthcoming in time.


In a bowl mix:
(I  buy B.S. in bulk, as you use it for MANY homemade recipes)
6 Tbsp Coconut Oil (start with 6, and you might add more if needed)

Mash all together until it has the consistency of soft shortening.

If you wish, you may add a few drops (2-4) of some favorite pure essential oils for fragrance.  Peppermint (refreshes, cools, deodorizes, and revives) and Melaluca (sometimes called Tea Tree, great for killing bacteria, fungus, virus, and odor) combine well with the scent of coconut oil and is enjoyed by both men and women.

Place concoction in a small/medium sized glass jar (mason jar, that is not too deep, so that you can easily reach the bottom) for storage in bathroom.  No need to refrigerate.

Apply with fingers.  (I've heard some folks like to thoroughly wash out old deodorant (dry roll-on) cases and put it in there, so they don't have to use fingers).

The coconut oil must be a good grade of coconut oil. HERE is one brand that is trustworthy.

Coconut oil does NOT stain material/clothing. It easily washes out in warm water in the wash.

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6 parts Baking Soda
1 part Coconut or Olive Oil
A few drops Food Grade Essential Oils (I love doTERRA brand), or Cinnamon from your pantry for flavor (and other benefits!) (i.e.: combination of peppermint or spearmint, citrus, and clove.)

Mix together and place in Container - it does have a tendency to "rise" a bit after you mix it, so don't pack your chosen container too tightly - it will push off the lid if you do.

If you use powdered cinnamon, the toothpaste will be brownish, but it will still whiten your teeth.

1/2 C Coconut Oil (the solid-ish kind)
3 Tbsp Baking Soda
10 drops Clove Oil (Food Grade Essential oil, doTERRA again)
15 drops Cinnamon Oil (Food Grade Essential oil)
10 drops Melaluca (Tea Tree) Oil (Food Grade Essential oil)
10 drops Xylitol (for sweetness/kills bacteria)
10 drops Trace Mineral

Combine/stir with wooden spoon, and store in air-tight, dark/opaque container.

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2 Tbsp Beeswax (about 1 oz)
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp Shea Butter
12 Lip Balm Containers or Containers

- Melt Beeswax in a small pan or crockpot over low heat.
- Add Coconut Oil and Shea Butter until all ingredients are melted.
- Add a few drops 100% Pure Essential Oil if desired. Otherwise it smells wonderfully like honey!
- Using the small medicinal dropper, drop the melted liquid into balm containers.
- Add a few extra drops to the top after filling each container as the ingredients will shrink as they cool.
- Cool completely to harden. Cover with cap after cooling, and decorate or label as desired.

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More to come!  :)

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